How will teachers find me?

Teachers will be able to search and contact community partners that match the expertise they need to support the work they are doing with students. You can also actively search for teachers on [...]

Will I get paid?

No. Once you reach the 4-6 hour mark, it is up to you whether you want to continue volunteering or if at that point you want to request compensation for your time. Also, if you and the teacher [...]

How much time do I need to commit?

As a member of CommunityShare, we ask that you consider giving 4-6 hours of your time per year. We know you are busy, so it is obviously up to you how much time you can offer. At CommunityShare [...]

What is a share?

A share is an event during which you share skills, experience and expertise with a teacher and his/her students. One share equates to approximately one hour of time.