Teacher Fellowship
CommunityShare was started by educators for educators.
Before CommunityShare formally launched in 2015, we developed an Educator Advisory Council (EAC) with K-12 educators across greater Tucson, Arizona. K-12 teachers passionate about community-engaged, real-world learning met every month for five years as a professional learning community. They “workshopped” real-world projects and challenges, supported each other and advised CommunityShare in its development.
In 2019, we transformed the EAC into a CommunityShare Educator Fellowship. The Fellowship is a unique opportunity for PK-12 educators from across greater Tucson to design and reflect upon innovative instructional practices that support real-world, inquiry-based learning experiences that deeply engage students.
Fellows develop their practice through sharing and analyzing student work, reflection, on-site coaching, and other supports. Fellows receive a stipend and an opportunity to apply for grants to support projects that actively engage the community in their classroom.
If you are interested in learning more about our educator professional learning and Fellowship, contact us at team@communityshare.us. Currently our Fellowship and grants are only available to educators in greater Tucson, but if you are interested in bringing these practices to your community, give us a shout and we can explore.